Mind and body osteopathy
Osteopathic treatment can have a profound benefit to the nervous system and your mental health.
Osteopathy helps bringing greater health to the mind (calmer and clearer thinking), to the autonomic nervous system (that part which controls our blood vessels and body organs) our brain and spinal cord in addition to the nerves which supply our muscles joints and skin.
We all have had the 'butterfly in the stomach feeling' at some time in our life. This usually occurs when we are about to do something which is making us anxious. In this example our 'solar plexus' (medically called the coeliac nerve plexus) is getting over stimulated (by stress) and causing the upper part of our digestive system to feel discomfort.
Stress, Tension and our Posture
How many times have you felt in yourself, or noticed someone else having their shoulders all hunched up, as if up around their ears? If you are honest again we all have at times.
Most people have heard of the 'flight or fight response'. In this situation the body pumps out adrenaline and a mix of other hormones, so that we can either run away from the sabre toothed tiger or stand up and fight it. This is a life saving response which was required by our stone age ancestors. In modern times, the fight or flight response kicks in when we are in a traffic jam, having a row at home or work, the post is full of heavy bills etc, etc. In such situations, we cannot expend the pent up adrenaline by running away or fighting - not a good idea to fight the postman! The consequence is that our muscles stay tight, the blood vessels become more constricted, body organs have altered blood flow - the list could go on and on. These changes if allowed to continue can have an effect of prematurely ageing the body tissues.
Do you get stress headaches and or tension headaches?
Stress/Tension Headaches can be quite disabling affecting you at home or work.
Stress and tension headaches, result in poor concentration and unclear thinking, often resulting in mistakes or errors.
Headaches can be caused by a variety of different situations and causes.
You also may be feeling a muzzy head or throbbing headaches.
You may be feeling feeling you wish you could just 'go to bed' until the feeling passes, but can't do because of home or work commitments.
Help is at hand...
There may be things you can do to help yourself at home, but do you know what to do and which methods may be of relevance to your type of headache?
Have you tried self help methods but found they have not worked for you?
This is often the case if your stress/ tension headaches have been re-occurring over a period of time. Maybe there is an underlying factor why they keep re-occurring.
Tim Marris can help you discover the real underlying reason for your stress tension type headaches, and offer advice and help to ease and stop this cycle of re-occurrence.
As an acclaimed, postgraduate, international lecturer in 'Cranial Osteopathy' Tim Marris can bring his wealth of experience to give you the best advice here in Ashford, Kent.
To get help today, you can email Tim by clicking here or you can phone for a free phone consultation on 07886 606235